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初备教案 魏志平

时间:2012-06-21 10:39来源: 作者: 点击:


Unit 12 Dont eat in class.
Period 1 Section A (1a-2b)
济水一中 魏志萍
Step1.Learn by themselves.(12)
1.Make a survey. Tick or cross.
1) Can we---?         do homework in class.
Yes, we can.        listen to the teachers in class.
No, we cant.       run in the hallways
read a book.
wear hats in class
listen to music in class
eat in the classrooms
arrive late for school
2) We can---.
We cant---.
   2.Talk about the rules;
      Can we listen to music in the classroom?
      No, we cant.
 We cant listen to music in the classroom.
Dont listen to music in the classroom.
3.Do 1a. Which rules are these students breaking? Write the number of the rule next to the student. Then check the answers.
4.Read and recite the school rules. Let the students recite and write down the rules by themselves. Then correct their mistakes.
Step2. Work in groups.(15)
1.Ask and answer like this:
A: What are the rules at your school?
B: Well. We cant arrive late for school.
Then act out.
If you are a headmaster, please set the school rules.
If youare a head teacher, please set the class rules.
If you are a group leader, please set the group rules.
 Choose one of the tasks you like best, and write down the rules in groups.
Step 3. Listening(10)
1.Read the request in 1a,2a and 2b by themselves ,then listen to the tape and finish them.
2.Check the answers and emphasize some points.
Step4. Summary.(3)
本节课我采用了任务型教学,确保了任务的设计与完成由简单重复逐步过渡到真实或接近真实。基于这一要求与特点,本课的四个任务先以谈论有关学校各项规章制度为话题,初步感受祈使句,以及如何表达规则;看(通过看图示,说出规则);然后听(通过听那些能做、哪些不能做的事儿,体会情态动词can和can’t的用法);最后根据常识或观察, 小组为单位设计校规、班规和组规等。这样,通过完成这一系列任务,既使学生学会了如何描述规章制度,又渗透了对学生的情感教育:通过对公共场所制定规章制度, 培养学生遵守公德、爱护公物的美德。同时,学生还可以学会发散思维,以扩展知识;口头及书面表达能力也可随之提高。
 不足之处: 因为我班为六人小组合作,在合作过程中,需要较多时间给学生讨论演讲,但有时为了完成教学计划赶进度,没有给学生充分的时间去活动和思考,有的小组由于得不到时间展示自己的成果,他们觉得没有成就感,同时小组活动中学生参与程度不均衡,有些语言表达能力强的学生参与机会明显较多,他们在小组活动中起着支配的作用,而另一些较为消极的学生学习较为被动,喜欢做听众,对一切语言活动表现冷漠。这都是我在教学中急待与同仁探讨和解决的问题。
